For years, American archaeologists dug on Indian burial grounds and other places considered sacred, removing artifacts and human remains to storage facilities for further study.
Try to find out what the oldest local construction is, and if archaeologists have ever dug in your area.
Other archaeologists have dug through privies and basements to understand how different ethnicities - Dutch, French Huguenot and English - lived together.
IF archaeologists dug into politics instead of the earth, New York City would be a prime site.
Until archaeologists dug at Erlitou in Henan Province, many scientists were not sure if the Xia Dynasty was real or a myth.
At Upper Saratown, the number of graves was so great that archaeologists could not dig standard, 10' square excavation pits without encountering graves underneath.
When archaeologists dug in these mounds during the 1920s, they did not find the burial sites they had expected.
So far, archaeologists have only dug test holes into the palace ruins, enough to estimate the dimensions of the building.
Fellahin and archaeologists searching for artifacts had dug holes more or less at random, leaving piles of debris and further confusing the stratigraphy.
Spit is an old English word which archaeologists have adopted/continued using - it means a spade depth, though archaeologists no longer dig spits in spade depths.