In this and other key places in Afghanistan, archaeologists have located frescoes, stucco decorations, statuary, and rare objects from as far away as China, Phoenicia, and Rome, which were crafted as early as the 2nd century and bear witness to the influence of these ancient civilizations upon Afghanistan.
The Chinantecos presently inhabit an area in which archaeologists have located temples that were apparently used as ceremonial centers, and where prisoners were supposedly sacrificed during the most important celebrations of the year.
Here archaeologists have located an old settlement that has probably been only a part-time settlement used either by people from 'Kirkja' or 'Hattarvik'.
On Dragseid archaeologists have located grave mounds.
Both linguists and archaeologists therefore often locate the Slavic Urheimat specifically within this area.
However some archaeologists have questioned this conclusion and locate Thella on the west bank of the Jordan at Khirbet Makbarat Banat Yakub.
They believe that, at worst, psychic archaeologists can locate and excavate important sites that may not be excavated without the motivation of psychic guidance.
By 2006, archaeologists and historical researchers had determined the exact location of Fort Dobbs, and had located the post-hole foundations of the former log structure.
This operation not only helped the archaeologists involved in the survey locate nearly 10 other shipwrecks in the surrounding area, but also helped establish the first time that China conducted high-seas excavation work.
At the height of its power, during the 14th century BCE, it had outposts centered around its capital, Washukanni, which archaeologists have located on the headwaters of the Khabur River.