There was a kind of archaic quality about it, though, since there had been a town on this spot since the dawn of time.
Vedder used chalk on toned paper to give his plates an archaic quality appropriate for ancient verses, although his imagery shows a decidedly Victorian sensibility.
This is typical of pentatonic harmony, which can be manipulated in many ways to give either an archaic quality or a sense of modernity.
There are intentionally archaic qualities in the sonorous harmonic language of the piece.
The two poems differ in the relative archaic quality of their language, that of Gododdin being the older in form.
The words, written hundreds of years before, had an archaic quality.
Virgil often uses language characteristic of Ennius to give his poetry an archaic quality.
Mr. Shaw's translation generally worked well enough, retaining an archaic biblical quality that suited the work's formality.
In an age of careful centrism, there is an archaic quality to Mr. Sanders' political speech, not to mention a razor's edge.
Weirdly, caressingly, compellingly the harp notes throbbed in repeated, rerepeated theme, holding within itself the same archaic golden quality I had noted in the singing.