Written sources indicate that Kholmogory existed early in the 12th century, but there is no archeological material to illuminate the early history of the town.
Although not associated directly with archeological material, these finds are within the chronological and geographical range of the earlier Aurignacian in southeastern Europe.
Three successive directors substantially enlarged the collections of economic products, medicinal plants, artifacts, archeological materials, pollen, and photographs.
I'm absolutely certain that no archeological material was lost.
"We knew there would be archeological material here, but we didn't expect to find anything this spectacular."
But for furniture, ceramics, bronzes, archeological material and most other categories - the fastest-growing markets - New York has the edge, many dealers said.
They help to preserve archeological materials and work with researchers and the public.
"The evidence generated by archeological material as to the life and times of people in lower Manhattan is very much part of our story."
The repairs have been in progress since 1982, interrupted by debates over what to do with archeological material discovered in the course of work.
Very little is known about these settlements, apart from archeological material, as there was little literacy at the time.