It ate away at St. Philippe, and the village and its archeological resources were lost to the river.
It works to recognize and revitalize historic, archeological and cultural resources in the region.
The Register is the authoritative guide to the state's significant historical and archeological resources.
Today a variety of archeological and natural resources are preserved on approximately 3600 acres.
The authorities said digging the hole violated a federal regulation that protects natural, cultural and archeological resources.
Boston Harbor is one of the greatest archeological resources we have.
The site also has archeological resources related to Iroquois history.
"The impact on archeological resources is really quite profound," Mr. Travis said.
As part of their former traditional territory, the property holds historical, archeological, sacred and cultural resources important to their people.
If the solid waste was piled on top of the ground it could mean that cultural and archeological resources are still intact.