In this publication, Campbell discusses his theory of the journey of the archetypal hero found in world mythology.
In it, he created an archetypal hero, Horace Smith, a high school English teacher.
In these stories Kaura Khan is the archetypal hero.
Gardel died in an airplane crash at the height of his career, becoming an archetypal tragic hero mourned throughout Latin America.
The archetypal noir hero, Quirke is a loner, a man with acquaintances rather than friends.
You are the archetypal hero, Jake.
Enter Erik - admittedly not your archetypal hero.
American culture is epitomised by the archetypal lone hero, but in eastern culture the individual is subordinated to the collective effort.
His adventures - real and legendary - were influential in creating the archetypal Western hero of American folklore.
Boone's adventures, real and mythical, formed the basis of the archetypal hero of the American West, popular in 19th-century novels and 20th century films.