In 1574, the main architect, Blasius Berwart, also constructed the spiral staircase between the west and north wing still famous today.
The king commissioned German and Dutch architects and craftsmen to construct magnificent edifices designed to enhance his prestige.
In addition, many developers, builders and architects knowingly or carelessly constructed buildings with numerous faults and short-cuts.
The architect and craftsmen from Jaipur designed and constructed the palace in 1920 AD.
In 1722, he commissioned a little-known architect, Jean Courtonne, to conceive and construct a mansion.
Numerous architects have constructed landmark buildings of varying styles in Chicago.
In 1960, architects from Strinda bygningssjefkontor (chief engineer's office) designed and constructed the red and white concrete pavilion seen to the north.
The architect only constructed the façade though - developers acquired plots and built the actual structures behind.
Perhaps that's why architects, who are among the most frequent flyers in the world today, are now constructing buildings that resemble clouds.
In this characteristic environment, the Ancient Greek architects constructed buildings that were marked by precision of detail.