The city designer, a 56-year-old architect specializing in theater buildings, said his post was established to try to clean up the city and make it more visually appealing.
Kenneth is an architect specializing in the design of biomedical and biotechnology laboratories and buildings.
"It's kind of delightful the way hotels are changing and where they are being located," said Alan Lapidus, an architect specializing in hotel design.
David Beer, an architect specializing in hotels (the St. Regis and the Sherry-Netherland, among them) does not even try.
Following two years of sea duty, he became a naval architect specializing in submarine construction.
Sam Kornhauser, an architect specializing in learning environments, works for nothing.
Filippo Juvarra, an architect specializing in the construction of royal palaces, was chosen to design the new palace.
Keely was already an established architect specializing in ecclesiastical design.
Dominikus Böhm (October 23, 1880 - August 6, 1955) was a German architect specializing in churches.
Der Scutt, an architect specializing in office-building renovation, said there is "50 years of work to be done right now."