External architectural appearance of the mosque is dated to the 17th century according to its architectural segmentations.
Reconstruction work began in 1948, involving a complete redesign of the street plan and architectural appearance of the area.
The oil industry greatly influenced the architectural appearance of Baku as a modern city.
"The spectator is disposed to linger a long time over the architectural appearance of the exterior," the account said.
Not much is known as to the architectural appearance of the Acropolis until the Archaic era.
Intensive building during the period changed the city's architectural appearance to a typical Central European one.
In 2011, the square intersection became grade separated which relieved it from the traffic jams, but dramatically changed the square's landscape and station's architectural appearance.
In 1950 a major project was begun to unify the architectural appearance of all the buildings in the government complex to the territorial style.
The commission has the last word on the architectural appearance of official structures in the capital.
They are made to absorb extra light and create a crisp architectural appearance.