Under the tax laws, annual deductions for expenses up to $15,000 are allowed for any company eliminating architectural barriers to access by the handicapped.
The second plaintiff, a court reporter who uses a wheelchair, can't work in a number of courtrooms because of architectural barriers.
In recent years, it has done an estimable effort by municipal authorities to remove architectural barriers in public via and official centers.
"The focus of the project was to remove architectural barriers to the disabled," Ms. Lewy said.
There were architectural barriers to be coped with.
These may be seen in employer discrimination, architectural barriers within the workplace, pervasive negative attitudes regarding skill, and the adverse reactions of customers.
The remodelling has been carried out without architectural barriers, which has resulted into an imposing and spectacular design.
He also implemented the initial federal pilot Access California program, removing architectural barriers to the disabled in public places throughout the County.
In the home, architectural barriers threaten the unwary.
An architectural barrier is any feature that makes access or use of a building difficult, unreasonably dangerous or impossible.