"Well, after all, I am your architectural expert!"
"Do you know that I'm an architectural expert?"
When it was released, critics observed that the list of "favorites" did not reflect the judgments of architectural experts.
In fact, architectural experts say Connecticut is among several states where the largest concentration of International style houses was built.
Though the Dodge House received significant recognition from architectural experts, it was targeted for redevelopment.
The Administrative Act of 1921 provided an architectural expert employed by the state, which allowed centralized planning and administration.
Indeed, Allied had considerable difficulty finding architectural experts willing to take the position that the property should not be designated.
A panel of architectural experts has said the building "single-handedly put Cardiff on the architectural map".
The winning design, which will be selected by a jury of four architectural experts, will be announced by fall, she said.
Before two months had passed, pundits and architectural experts began calling his plan pie in the sky.