The full splendour of Venetian color invests alike the figures, their architectural framework, the landscape and the sky.
Decorators frequently talk about the "bones" of a room - the architectural framework around which they can create a suitable environment.
There is a lack of common industry view on architectural framework.
With varying degrees of looseness, they adopt the megastructural approach: bringing together urban activities within a large, comprehensive architectural framework.
An architectural framework consists of a standard set of views, which each have a specific purpose.
The architectural framework may be the work of an assistant.
With just two plain black benches, Mr. Klein creates a changing architectural framework, also managing to suggest areas of spiritual light and dark.
Whether identity management or transactional process, the creation of an architectural framework across Government services is the goal.
Driven by such vision, a variety of architectural frameworks based on "self-regulating" autonomic components has been recently proposed.
They haven't attempted to create period rooms, and they don't have the big architectural framework of our museum.