Seator's large-scale architectural installations have won international acclaim.
If you decide to ask for technical help, design consultation for a very simple architectural installation can cost $1,000.
This type of projection is common in architectural installations such as casinos.
Mr. Graham is an artist and critic who has worked in many forms since the 1960's, including videotapes, critical essays and architectural installations.
Later in his career, Palermo would develop his work in situ for large-scale architectural installations.
Her work is often based on historical research and consists of architectural installations, videos, performances and comics.
One of their architectural installations, "Enteractive," uses both the inside and outside of a building in Los Angeles.
She said she hoped to weave the collection - including furniture, architectural installations and jewelry - through four exhibition floors.
The sense of animation in this work carries over into the show's architectural installations.
Pumhösl makes paintings, films and architectural installations informed by the historical avant-gardes.