The gilt edges of nearby SoHo whisper all along this 1,000-foot-plus NoHo run, even though its architectural magnificence can be lost in the din of traffic and cheap storefronts.
She is full of palaces, certainly, and the palaces are sumptuous inside, but they are very rusty without and make no pretensions to architectural magnificence.
Even in recent years, the Palais Garnier had to be paid a visit, though more for its architectural magnificence than for what went on there in the name of opera.
The artistic and architectural magnificence of the temples at Konark and Khajuraho has resulted in these places attracting swarms of pilgrims and tourists from all parts of the world.
It's not exactly a model of architectural magnificence but it's worth a couple of pictures for its slender minarets.
This comprehensive tour encompasses Rome's legendary origins and modern grandeur, highlighting Rome's architectural magnificence.
To promote Harvard University's expansion across the Charles River into Boston, administrators do not flash futuristic blueprints of architectural magnificence.
'And ruin architectural magnificence?'
A model of the Cathedral of Puebla represents the architectural magnificence of the New Spain.
The Taj Mahal is recognised worldwide for its architectural magnificence and aesthetic beauty.