Church was deeply involved in the process, even completing his own architectural sketches for its design.
Scale models, photographs, film footage, drawings, furniture and architectural sketches are among the exhibits.
The second stage focused more directly on the architectural sketch itself.
Its ground plan, which would today be called an architectural sketch, is found in the booklet.
The Drawing Center is currently exhibiting his compositional, mathematical, and architectural sketches.
The exhibits include posters, photos, film costumes, architectural sketches, and props.
Later, the pictorial aspect of his architectural sketches was often noted and met with varying reactions.
His preliminary architectural sketches hung in a long glass frame on the passage wall inside the cottage.
In architecture, the term "bubble chart" is also applied to a first architectural sketch of the lay out constructed with bubbles.
A completed architectural sketch of the building was published in the Seattle Times on September 25, 1923.