In Delft, his art snapped suddenly into focus, with a few figures deployed in sunlit interiors or courtyards, their architectural surroundings meticulously evoked with dazzling tricks of perspective.
Conceived fully in the round and independent of any architectural surroundings, it is generally considered to be the first major work of Renaissance sculpture.
But here it flowed out through rather grand architectural surroundings, approached from the street and Kaskel Plaza above, curling about audience members sitting on the stone benches around the pool.
Indeed, the small section on contextualism, the idea that buildings should relate in some way to their architectural surroundings, shows us right off what is so good with this exhibition.
He aimed to place his works in the most appropriate natural and architectural surroundings by studying the location of his constructions thoroughly and trying to naturally integrate them into those surroundings.
His stated aim was to integrate art with its architectural surroundings, but the spirit and vitality of his works often counteract the starkness of the functional modernist settings they inhabit.
The gentle movements and hissing of the steam locomotives is enhanced by the architectural surroundings and the everyday clutter of porters' barrows, luggage, fire buckets and all.
Conceived fully in the round and independent of any architectural surroundings, it was the first major work of Renaissance sculpture.
He was interested in the quality of everything, from the simple Akari lamps to very elaborate stone sculpture in architectural surroundings.
Both plays fit neatly on the improvised stage at the Mount, where they benefit from their architectural surroundings.