Two architectural trends have always coexisted in Mexico, formal and popular.
A. As with clothes and cars, architectural trends have cycles, too.
Buffalo is responsible for not just one, but two architectural trends which dominated the 20th century.
As architectural trends changed in the early 20th century, so did new buildings in the district.
Instead, the department has limited itself to passively documenting current architectural trends.
It is an important example of nineteenth century domestic architecture combining national, regional, and local architectural trends.
Recreational areas were a part of this project, together with a wooden kindergarten which was supposed to show new architectural trends.
The International style was a major architectural trend of the 1920s and 1930s.
The city's industries reached their peak in the 1850s, and the wealth it created explored new architectural trends.
This is all the more important now that current architectural trends call for very large windows in homes and offices.