Because of generations of adaptations to its desert surroundings, Yazd is an architecturally unique city.
However, being a relatively new city, the monasteries are not of historical significance and architecturally not unique.
"We weren't seeing the really gorgeous houses but the smaller versions that were not architecturally unique."
This building, at least among schoolhouses from the time period (1880s), is architecturally unique in two ways.
Apparently this is an architecturally unique feature for a pele tower.
This resulted in an architecturally unique round department store on 90 percent of the lot, with a small privately owned house on the corner.
It is architecturally unique in Ireland for its flexible staging facilities.
The building has stained glass windows in its third story, and is regarded as unique architecturally in its community.
The station's platform shelter is architecturally unique as compared with the other shelters used in the system.
The architecturally unique headquarters building remains the focal point of Larch Hill.