The library will use the archives and other material to document the work of Miss Graham, the leading figure in American modern dance, who died in 1991 at 96.
The archive documents the Duveen Brothers' exhibition, cataloguing, researching, and publishing of works of art and collections.
The archive documents the expansion of social science research over the past half century.
Information centres, archives, and libraries all over the world now document women's lives and contributions to facilitate research in women's studies.
The Society's library, archives, photograph, and art and artifacts collections document the American Jewish experience.
The occasion is the dedication of the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, where a museum and vast underground archives will document Mr. Reagan's life and Administration.
He travels to see them, and wherever he goes he makes slides; his archives document every meaningful artistic effort in modern China.
This archive should document and perpetuate the time series data collections from the HIWED and Growth to Limits projects.
The Michigan high school sports archives also document Northwestern's MHSAA championship titles in tennis (1927), and cross country (1929).
However, Chart-Track's online archive only documents the top ten albums from each particular week.