The pieces continued to burn, arcing high and then crashing down like flaming meteors.
Nearby, giant silvery tubes send jets of water arcing high in the air and down into the river.
I watched out my window as the obese moon lumbered across the night sky, arcing high above the trees.
My mind suddenly held a picture of the coin arcing high in the air, catching the moonlight as it tumbled toward the black waters.
Every now and again, one of her feet came whistling up in front of her, arcing high over her head.
Then, at Taita's word of command, he would send an arrow arcing high to drop on to the target two hundred cubits distant.
Dloan fired the cannon again, sparks arcing high towards the plane.
The silver shafts flashed through the air, arcing high and then dropping.
Airborne, arcing high, the Executioner kicked free of the skis so there'd be less chance of breaking his legs when he hit.
Reese's tail was poised now, arcing high over her head.