I am an ardent believer in the free market.
Wilkes pushed the school forward and was an ardent believer in the duty of public schools to share their benefits with others less fortunate.
But he is still an ardent believer in the same world view that inspires the Bush administration.
Assessing the conservative Christian bloc is especially difficult this year since ardent believers have so many suitors.
He is famous for starting as an ardent believer in natural selection who later became one of its fiercest critics.
That, even the most ardent believers in Moore's law agree, may take awhile.
She remained throughout her life the most ardent believer in Copeau's concepts of the theater.
In his youth, Shaikh was a young ardent believer.
He described himself as "an ardent believer in the importance of communications technologies and services" for economic and social progress.
Though they ended up losing their fifth straight game, their most ardent believers will say the team played well and showed heart.