And ardent nationalists threaten to overwhelm the nuclear abolitionists in the Ukraine.
A group of ardent Argentine nationalists, styling themselves 'Condors', forced the pilot to fly to Stanley.
"Why, what would Petreus and his ardent young nationalists be doing in the house of the Red Priest?"
The two men were ardent nationalists and were opposed to any British involvement in the internal politics of Iraq.
He wants to encourage formation of groups independent of the state, but many of the most powerful groups are ardent nationalists.
But even that is too liberal for the most ardent Latvian nationalists.
However, many ardent nationalists refused to retreat to Taiwan and decided to stay in Burma and carry on the anticommunist struggle.
But they also faced armed rebels that we collected in an assortment of beleaguered democrats, ardent nationalists, ethnic separatists, former Communists, religious fundamentalists and former colonialist collaborators.
But the action set off protests by ardent nationalists exercising their new right to take to the streets.
Various political parties, ranging from ardent nationalists, to social democrats, to communists attempted to set up governments in the names of the different nationalities.