It was only when philosophy, whose created end is the furtherance of knowledge of God, was misused by the philosophers and turned, in effect, into God, that Gregory raised his voice in ardent opposition.
In contrast to Governor Wilson and his predecessor, George Deukmejian, Mr. Lungren can be more easily pegged as a steadfast social conservative, particularly because of his ardent opposition to abortion.
Earmarks Flake is "known for his ardent opposition to earmarks."
Despite being popular among many motorists and the trucking industry, the proposal to raise speed limits along major highways has languished in the legislature because of ardent opposition from Gov. Mario M. Cuomo and key members of the State Senate.
The Rev. William Sloane Coffin hit the headlines in the 1960's when, as Yale University's chaplain, he aided draft resisters as part of his ardent opposition to the Vietnam War.
Across the country as television screens displayed scenes of Iraqis rejoicing, antiwar activists in New York began rethinking their strategies, if not their ardent opposition to the war.
And his ardent opposition to secrecy and commercialism left him at odds with many scientists.
'Seeking a Captive Audience' In New York State, Whittle has also had to contend with the ardent and unwavering opposition of the State Commissioner of Education, Thomas Sobol.
Lewis failed in a second attempt in 1906, but won one of the Denison seats under the statewide Hare-Clark system at the 1909 election-ironic in light of his ardent opposition to the system.
By wearing a red ribbon during the last week in October, Americans demonstrate their ardent opposition to drugs.