Michelangelo in a letter describing the arduous conditions under which he worked:
It takes a special kind of player to win an Open, to cope with the unavoidable setbacks and frustrations produced by arduous conditions.
In common with other races on the continent, it is known for its arduous conditions and high attrition rate among competitors.
She was poring over the recipes adapted to the arduous conditions of interstellar flight.
More than 100 people participated for six months and, without break, fulfilled their tasks in arduous climatic conditions.
The aim was to develop a simple and rugged aircraft for use under arduous conditions, which could be easily maintained.
These vehicles developed a reputation for high engineering standards, able to operate under the most arduous conditions.
It requires film making on a scale we haven't seen in years, working a long time under arduous conditions.
It was a very durable heavy-duty bus which ran in arduous conditions for longer periods than ever envisaged by its designers.
Besides, he had not climbed so far, and under such arduous conditions, to flee now.