It was a joint, arduous effort involving many people.
By the time we reached our turn-around, each step required arduous effort in the thin air, and it was a relief to begin the descent.
With a group of determined friends, Cook formed a new management committee, and through their arduous efforts the club reopened in 2003.
Project Gutenberg, an arduous effort conducted largely by volunteers, has put more than 400 books online.
But the plain style is a middle-class accomplishment, got by arduous and educated rhetorical efforts.
It was like an extremely arduous athletic effort that I couldn't choose not to do.
She did not have the heart to trouble him with questions he could not answer without an arduous and chancy effort of communication.
After many months of arduous effort, the mechanism stood completed on the floor of my Chicago laboratory.
What is now required is a sustained, hard, arduous and persistent effort to keep things moving forward.
Still, the plan reflects some arduous efforts at building a coalition to do what has never been done before: reorganize the American health care system.