And it offered him a chance to make the arduous and unfaltering service of the Giants mean something.
Do they have some arduous service to perform for him?
"We are so glad you have returned, Ambassador, from your long and arduous service."
He has, in addition, done arduous and valuable service in bombing enemy objectives and obtaining information.
Conan's recompense for his arduous Turanian service to date had been many empty words of honor and precious little hard coin.
Unlike no few of England's renowned sailors, long and arduous service with signal devotion to it, had not resulted in absorbing and salting the entire man.
Subordinating himself to men of lower rank, he was attached to a squadron as a pilot and saw continuous and arduous service through the offensive.
For his arduous services the admiral commanding asked Major Heywood to "receive his grateful acknowledgements."
She thanked me, and with such a sweet smile that I should have been amply repaid by it for a much more arduous service.
A great part of Aldis's life was occupied in the arduous and unremunerated service of these institutions.