By arduous trial and error, this footage was used not only to evoke a sense of time and place, but also to comment on and enhance scenes in the film.
An arduous trial for your small branch of humanity, castaway and forgotten-or so you thought-on a savage world.
'Defendants Are Discharged' It took the jury nine days to reach a decision in an arduous trial that started last July.
The recruitment "bounties" you refer to may be confused with legitimate payments made to investigators and their staff for costs of doing such long and arduous trials.
But a long, arduous trial remained before help could reach the sorcerer.
Mr. Russell told of a particularly long and arduous criminal trial.
The long and arduous trial took place in Burlington, and eventually ruled against the settlers, who were forced to repurchase their land or relocate.
No time limits on exercises of energy can be laid down; however, prolonged or arduous trial and error would not be considered routine.
So how, four months later (even after an arduous trial), is he two years older after only one birthday?
Katsav's attorneys said they accepted to avoid an arduous trial.