The area bordering the road was an open field which seemed to offer no hiding place.
Most of the area immediately bordering the site is forested.
This area of the old medina had once bordered the river's edge.
This number includes 75 million people who live in areas bordering the Danube.
The areas bordering the park have a high population density of more than 300 people per square kilometer.
The area bordering the college campus on the east will be protected by a 100-foot-wide easement.
Witnesses in the new shooting said they thought the shot had come from a wooded area bordering the shopping center.
The civilian area immediately bordering the main gate was not given over to businesses designed to service soldiers and separate them from their pay.
You should exercise caution when travelling to the area bordering Serbia.
Three walking tours will be offered this weekend and next, all in areas bordering the East River.