A brilliant history of the land into which more historical and cultural events were crowded than perhaps into any area of equal size.
Valentine was altogether lost by the time they emerged, some hours later, into a cleared area of immense size.
Building was allowed but strictly controlled in a surrounding area of nearly equal size called the compatible growth area.
It is divided into three area of approximately equal size.
Consider the tetrahedron in Figure 2.6 bounded by the three coordinate planes and the triangular area of size with normal n.
If it succeeds, planners say, another area of similar size may be flooded.
Its crime rate is the second lowest among American metropolitan areas of comparable size.
Quimby boasts a 9-hole golf course, a rarity for towns in the area of relative size.
The Empire was peaceful as no area of comparable size has ever been.
On the other side was a level U-shaped area of appreciable size.