Soon after independence in 1971, an ill-prepared Bangladeshi elite moved into the areas vacated by West Pakistanis.
The area vacated in Central London is 112, 000 square metres - the equivalent to15 Wembley stadiums.
They would be replaced by multinational forces and by Lebanese troops there, and in areas vacated in later withdrawals.
The P.L.O. would refrain from street and other violent demonstrations in areas vacated by the Israeli military.
The situation in northern Iraq changed quickly yesterday as coalition forces, supported by Kurdish forces, moved into areas vacated by the Iraqi military.
It was located in Masuria, partially in areas vacated by the Wielbark culture people.
The Music department also relocated to the area vacated by the biology department.
But mostly, Dr. Kalisz says, the exotics simply move into disturbed areas vacated by natives.
President Izetbegovic said his troops will not enter the areas vacated by Serbian forces.
The Khitan occupied the areas vacated by the Uyghurs bringing them under their control.