As the argument progresses Anne asks Saint-Fond if she'd like to continue her walk, the pair leave together, leaving Renee and Montreuil to continue fighting.
The stress she put on the word "convince" gave Trip the feeling that argument had progressed beyond talking into a confrontation a shade more... primitive, for lack of a better word.
Divided on Rationale As the argument progressed, the Justices appeared almost to assume that they would decide the case, Harper v. Virginia, No. 91-794, in favor of retroactivity.
As the argument progressed, the clock twice ran down to zero, leaving Bubka with just one attempt at the record.
An argument was progressing nicely - there were a lot of them at this time - and I could catch a word here and there.
This argument has apparently progressed to the point where Deputy Troy expresses annoyance in being there again, and Sheriff Lindo has threatened to cut down the disputed tree.
At their feet, literally, crouched groups of students, following their words affectionately, while at a table under one of the pomegranate trees sat two scribes making notes of how the argument progressed.
Pol and I are vocal people, and we tend to get louder and louder as an argument progresses.
In contrast to his usual air of wry good cheer, Justice Breyer appeared weary and somewhat forlorn as the argument progressed.
But to date, such antitrust arguments against Microsoft have not progressed very far in Washington or in the courts, though the company remains under investigation.