It is instructive to find that every argument and issue surrounding the death penalty today was sounded in the past.
Leaning back, he began to mentally review the arguments surrounding the fleet's planetside difficulties.
This is one of the arguments surrounding the idea of early globalization.
Presently, he said, 'Thank you for your offer and the arguments surrounding it.
One of the perennial arguments surrounding the Kennedy Center is whether it should house a national theater company.
The arguments surrounding them touch on finance, demographics and human behavior.
On top of this, arguments surrounding the composition of the new album's material emerged and didn't cease.
Roger Harrabin asks whether the arguments surrounding climate change can ever be won.
The other argument surrounding the drawing's subject matter is that it may be an allegory of the month of April.
Whatever the practice for other officials, the arguments surrounding the potential criminal prosecution of a President have always been somewhat different.