Such risk may arise following a destabilizing event or events affecting a group of financial institutions linked through investment activity.
The issue arose again in 2008, following the 2007 election of the Rudd Government.
This arose following continuing health difficulties with William Hartnell as the lead actor.
Another situation requiring presidential intervention arose following the 1999 election.
In the late 19th century, a number of heterodox schools contended with the neoclassical school that arose following the marginal revolution.
Cool is a style of modern jazz music that arose following the Second World War.
In March 2009 a perceived conflict of interest arose following a private trip to India.
I hope that when a similar situation arises following the next intergovernmental conference, our procedures are changed to facilitate such a vote.
The crisis arose following the 1984 general election, and was caused by a major currency crisis.
According to an oral tradition, the name arose following a duel between two chiefs.