The opportunity arose unexpectedly five days later.
Preparing a family emergency plan, for example, can save valuable time if a storm arises quickly and unexpectedly.
If it is broken, you will find displeasing incidents in your business, arising unexpectedly.
To dream that you hear spirits knocking on doors or walls, denotes that trouble will arise unexpectedly.
Visionaries often arise unexpectedly from within extant institutions, slowly and steadily transforming them into something once unimaginable.
In 1995, the opportunity unexpectedly arose to buy Broneirion Lodge, on the property boundary.
However, while attending a 'new-hire training session' at his hopeful office of future employment, a job opportunity arose unexpectedly.
- Constituents should not delay in getting a passport - you never know when the need may unexpectedly arise.
It may just be taking longer than expected, and new wrinkles often arise unexpectedly as negotiations near the end.
The foreclosure issue arose suddenly and unexpectedly in the final days of the legislative session that will end on Monday.