The voice was cool, with an aristocratic accent which certainly matched a taste for Terran whiskey.
Brandark's eyebrows rose as Vaijon's exquisite, aristocratic accent rolled out the words.
He did his best to affect an aristocratic accent, but couldn't get rid of his back-country rasp.
Randolph answered the phone with his familiar aristocratic accent.
One of the voices was human, with an aristocratic accent.
Myrtle, in her aristocratic British accent, replied, "Maybe it was too hot!"
Waldeck's aristocratic accent was harsh over the flood of damage reports.
The translator rendered his voice as a rich baritone, with an aristocratic accent that always surprised those meeting him for the first time.
That languid, aristocratic accent could cut like a razor, and he used it with the precision of a surgeon's scalpel.
The aristocratic British accent softened the harshness of the words, but not the auger of the meaning.