Russian aristocratic circles considered the military oath as sacred; once given, it could never be broken, for any reason.
She was well educated and moved in aristocratic and noble circles.
In Istanbul, over time he came to the attention of the aristocratic circles, and obtained from them orders for his works.
This allowed Allgaier access to the aristocratic circles of the capital where he gave chess lessons.
The family moved in aristocratic circles but did not have a great deal of wealth.
Such an entailment was quite common in aristocratic circles, to ensure the integrity of the inheritance.
In aristocratic, literary, artistic, and dramatic circles he was always welcome.
Upon returning to Italy, in the 1930s he became known in aristocratic and political circles.
In most aristocratic circles, this choice would be considered a far worse misdemeanor than quiet homosexuality.
His family came from the Peloponnese and was well established in aristocratic circles.