Paraphrasing, you are a singular argument for having an aristocratic class.
The aristocratic classes ought to set a good example.
The oppidum appeared and became the socio-economic model of the aristocratic class.
Finding out a reason for his still being on this land was his wife's submission to a man of aristocratic class.
In total, almost ninety important members of the aristocratic class were killed, along with many officials of the native states.
It was standard at the time for members of Ryūkyū's aristocratic class to have two names.
In the 19th century, houses like this were for the aristocratic class.
The long training required to master such writing ensured that relatively few people would belong to this privileged and aristocratic class.
Before then fighting had been largely a matter of individual combat conducted by the aristocratic class.
Largely successful in immediate economic terms, the evolving nature of the aristocratic class was something much more difficult to control.