Their aristocratic elite learned the written Chinese language and adopted Chinese political institutions and military technology.
Renowned for his charm, quick wit and exotic good looks, he quickly became a favourite of the aristocratic elite.
In its earlier days, Aspinall's clientele comprised the traditional aristocratic elite who gambled away their inheritances.
But for some reason I didn't then ask the obvious question as to what was going on in the political and aristocratic elite.
This became a leading factor in the shift of an aristocratic elite to a bureaucratic elite.
For the most part, the political history of Charles the Bald's reign which is this book's prime focus was the concern of an aristocratic elite.
The Tale of Heiji presents a conflict between old aristocratic and new military elites.
Later he worked for a single small aristocratic elite.
She agrees, and so a few months later, Gina is the new social eminence in Parma's rather small aristocratic elite.
Leonard Jerome's wealth afforded his daughters the opportunity to spend much time in Europe, where they associated with the aristocratic elite of the day.