Fair and delicate, she was the epitome of the aristocratic lady.
Rather than being a single artist, it is believed that the Master was actually a studio, specializing in small panel paintings of young aristocratic ladies.
A tall, aristocratic old lady dressed all in black cried, "I had a son and they crucified him.
A fat cop and an aristocratic lady are walking down the road, talking about one's own livelihood.
That other criminal ran into the open and begins harassing the aristocratic lady.
The criminal was taken down, and the aristocratic lady was safe.
The aristocratic ladies were better suited to the equally necessary work of raising money and dealing with correspondence.
He was involved in the siege of Cadiz and came to have charge of an aristocratic lady there.
This is not a time of pampered aristocratic ladies with plump white shoulders.
But he also had affairs with other aristocratic ladies.