Deprived of aristocratic patronage, opera in German was forced to look to the general public to survive.
Paramount amongst his priorities was however royal, or at least aristocratic patronage.
The Church had money and power, for most of the middle ages it was apart, from aristocratic patronage, the only game in town.
If this is accurate, it may explain how Wright was later able to find aristocratic patronage.
In December 1787, Mozart finally obtained a steady post under aristocratic patronage.
Its success moved opera away from aristocratic patronage and into the commercial world.
A small community, to be sure, but one of the highest reputation, fit for aristocratic patronage and priced accordingly.
The day of royal and aristocratic patronage are gone.
Boydell helped to make artists independent of aristocratic patronage by providing commercial opportunities for them.
The attention to texture and wealth is also consistent with Bronzino's aristocratic patronage.