His main concern was to combat the notion of democracy which had been made popular by the French Revolution, and to defend the virtues of aristocratic rule.
Ludwig was fascinated by the French monar- chy, which he admired for its absolute authority and aristocratic rule.
On the other hand, of course I have firm belief in the virtue of aristocratic rule.
However, the instrumental model was adapted somewhat to take account of the survival of monarchical and aristocratic rule across most of Western Europe after the 1848 revolutions.
Sampras made a stand for the stars of the tour, at least temporarily restoring aristocratic rule to the Open.
The family-state model was first expressed in ancient times, often as a form of justification for aristocratic rule.
While he thought that he had firmly established aristocratic rule, his own career had illustrated the fatal weaknesses in the constitution.
Later, royalty was replaced by aristocratic rule.
Democracies were suppressed in cities where they had prevailed and aristocratic rule was substituted.
The training is too long and too hard and the rewards too negligible in comparison to aristocratic rule.