Other titles are used for various reasons, such as to show aristocratic status or one's role in government, a religious organization, or a branch of the military.
Kenmare's aristocratic status and landownership naturally led him to play a prominent role in Catholic politics during the later eighteenth century.
The term may also denote aristocratic status.
At Pokiok, he built an estate known as the Barony, a symbol of his aristocratic status.
It seems its credibility rested solely upon his aristocratic social status rather than any scientific evidence.
The Fronius family maintained an aristocratic status within the autonomous region of Siebenbürgen.
Tacitus describes him as a man of 'aristocratic status'.
However, owing to his aristocratic status and connections, he was released.
Most of it was classified, under strictly need-to-know access codes, and even Daniel's aristocratic status couldn't break those.
Their aristocratic status was recognized by the Austrian Empire on 1 November 1817.