The upper classes had dropped most of its Gaelic traditions and adopted the Anglo-French aristocratic values then dominant throughout most of Europe.
Jean has power over Miss Julie because he is male and uninhibited by aristocratic values.
The Pinhey family continued their British aristocratic values at Horraceville.
But the Duchess's deal is new and a bit different, a footnote to the final chapter of the epochal struggle between aristocratic values and market values.
Amateurism provided a bridge between the old world of aristocratic values and the new one of bourgeois exertion and competitiveness.
Some of the earliest pictures here have an association with hunting; the dogs can be seen as an extension of aristocratic values.
Although tragicomedies generally do not feature heroic characters in epic-like situations, they uphold class distinctions, social hierarchies, and aristocratic values in the high plots.
Helena is, in many ways, a transitional character between the fading aristocratic values of the landed oligarchy and the emergent urban middle class.
Opposed to the aristocratic values which tended towards idle beauty and adornment, the new ethic prized industry and domestic utility in the female figure.
Although aristocratic values permeated traditional elite society, a strong tendency toward plutocracy is indicated by the wealth requirements for census rank.