With an arm about the mast and his glass well braced, Christian gazed ahead for some time.
She walked a little bent over, with her other arm braced across her stomach, obviously in some pain.
She didn't run, just sat there, arms braced behind her, staring at him.
He lay quietly considering these things, and finally sat up, his arms braced behind him.
The stormvermin took up position, their pole- arms braced to meet the charge.
He came halfway out of his seat, arms braced on the table.
For the longest time his rigid arms braced him against the back of his chair.
Miles came to his feet and leaned forward abruptly, arms braced on the desk.
They were hood to hood, arms bracing each other against the wind.
"I would rather be dead," I said in a whisper, my arms braced flat against his chest.