The hole size can be systematically adjusted by controlling the number of methylene bridges, m and n, in the arms connecting the two aminotroponiminate rings.
As long as his arms and his legs couldn't connect with anything solid there would be no noise.
The arm connects to the fill valve that blocks the water flow into the toilet tank, and thus maintains a constant level in the tank.
It looked for all the world like a side of beef ribs, except for the bones where the arm should have connected.
The trunk, or torso, is the part of the body to which the head, arms, and legs connect.
My arm connected and I could no longer feel cold metal against my head.
Several black arms stretched out to strike the dwarf at once, and his furious parries could not connect solidly enough to push them away.
A 5-story tall "arm" diagonally connects the north tower with the 13-story tall central tower.
But the arm apparently did not connect with the shoulder as a ball-and-socket joint, as in humans and mammals.
The two remaining arms are the nearly equal resistances P and Q, connected in the inner gaps of the bridge.