The knees pop, and the arms jut skyward.
The marbled arm of a statue jutted from its flank.
Somewhere near the middle of the column body, four sturdy arms jutted forth strangely.
The spiral-shaped arm which also harboured Rhodan's home sun, now shining on an uninhabited virginal Earth, jutted far out into the eternal darkness of the cosmic abyss.
The arms jut down, making a vise that grabs the sole of the foot (fig. 31).
As her feet struck the floor, she turned slowly from side to side and let her arms jut outward and draw back tightly against her body.
An enormous arm, out of all proportion to the figures, jutted from a round window in the tower on the left.
He had never before viewed a real army in the field, just in parades, an endless gray wash of men strutting past Hitler standing on high, arms jutted in salute.
The right arm could be jutting up, and he wouldn't know it.
From the way his right arm was jutting, she suspected that it was broken.