A second after that she felt the chain that held her arms pinioned above her head give way.
The Master Spy stood calmly in the center of the bathroom with his arms still pinioned behind his back by the two husky agents.
Even with his arms pinioned behind him and Bilik's dagger at his throat, Geordi managed a sheepish smile.
Tarzan strained at the bonds which held his arms pinioned behind him.
Two hairy arms pinioned him from behind, but he fought free and the mon- ster reeled under his blows.
He felt the dagger in his hand and tried to wrench free his other arm pinioned beneath him.
He worked his way out of that, found his left arm pinioned beneath the full weight of Saigo's right shoulder.
Sinewy naked arms pinioned him, fierce brown hawk-like faces snarled at him.
Finally he held her helpless, her arms pinioned behind her back.