Si Cwan stood in a limber, prepared fashion, his arms poised, his legs slightly bent.
He lifted the knife, held it back of Doc's neck, the arm poised for a thrust.
Up thrust the dreadful arms, poised themselves to strike.
"My fear is that we stay where we are," with each side keeping thousands of nuclear arms poised to fly at a moment's notice.
With his arm poised to strike, Devlin's eyes went unfocused and he began to sway.
It felt as though he was sitting on the lap of a corpse with dead arms poised to infold him in ghastly embrace.
The branches of the trees hung over him like giants' arms, poised to sweep him up and carry him off.
She stopped herself with one leg over the sill, her arms poised to thrust her out.
Kausalya almost expected her to have four arms and a divine weapon, poised to strike, in each arm.
They stood across the room from each other, each with his feet spread and his arms poised, like a pair of gunfighters squaring off.