The god's arm would remain in the lake, protecting the tribe's future generations.
In the end, he did nothing but let her lean against him while his arms remained at his sides.
I tried to reach out, but my arms were too weak and remained at my sides.
His arm had remained casually draped over the back of the throne.
The glow went away instantly, but the arm remained, extended.
His arms closed around her shoulders purely to comfort- and remained for all those better reasons.
Without those records, it is all but impossible to determine what arms remain or have not been accounted for.
He struggled against the relentless pressure, throwing himself around the cell, but the arm remained.
Her arm remained in the air for a moment and, after a few more moments, a robot appeared with a tray.
If any farther hopes in arms remain, This place, these pledges of your love, maintain.