Emma's arms easily spanned Ivo's slenderness, and the feel of his spare, strong body was warm and muscular and vital through the fine linen.
Its whirling arms spanned millions of miles and it uttered cosmic lightnings of radiation that lanced out through the haze.
It is 31.4 metres tall and its arms span 11 metres and it stands 252 metres above the St. Lawrence River.
One arm spanned me, hand on my shoulder.
The entire horseshoe-shaped console, easily three human arm spans wide, was within his comfortable reach.
The team followed along the meandering creek for hours, emerging out of the cave into a narrow slot canyon--perhaps two arm spans across.
Smith tied a hammer to one end, and with two of the men holding him securely, paid it out over the edge, counting his arm spans as he let it go.
His arm is around Josephine on one side and his other arm spans the shoulders of the two boys on the other.
The ape's arms in particular spanned a considerable portion of the tower's circumference, though not enough that the hands were squeezing directly against one another.
Stone columns framed an alcove and a ponderous black iron door, twice his height and wider than his arms could span.